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Sunday, March 2, 2014


My Nylon printing and colouring experiments attracted lots of attention, this was lots of fun and really abundant still one thing I still experiment with. I decide to do a follow-up article later this year regarding Nylon, mixed materials and additional color experiments.

I have forever planned to unleash a RepRap 3D printer, and when a frantic five week development throughout the sooner a part of 2013, I had the primary 3DR prepared for testing.

For me 3DR has been wonderful to observe because it goes out into the planet as my wrestle a 3D written Delta, looking it then evolve into one thing far more is nice.

Releasing 3DR as associate degree ASCII text file project occupied lots longer than I had expected last year, however it additionally LED to some extremely nice conversations with individuals and much of different nice things. You at the start suppose that cathartic everything and seeing what individuals do with it'd permit longer to figure on different things. That wasn't the case, it's the maximum amount work as if you discharged it available or started an organization.

I'm about to unleash a minimum of another 3 machines this year, keep a watch out ;)

For me the start line into the delta pure mathematics was the city, this was a good printer to make and allowed lots of experimentation, particularly with tall prints that had not been potential before.

The Open Hand project by Joel Gibbard was an amazing project to envision get life, and with healthy backing the project is well afoot.

Joel additionally won the Venturefest award for best newcomer. Congratulations once more, and best desires from Maine for the continued project. IndiGoGo perks shipped out and hand-designs well below method.

Shows and Events -

The London Makerfaire, London 3D printshow and TCT Shows were another nice highlight of 2013, we've additional nice things planned for shows this year, TCT is moving to a three Day event and can be larger and higher than ever.

Associations -

We ar setting out to see many various 3D printing associations and 'standards' being setup, thus i used to be delighted once the 3D printing association asked Maine to be a member of the board of advisers, we tend to ar reaching to promote, guide and advise as many folks as potential with 3D printing and every one types of additive producing.

News and dedicated 3D printing websites boomed in 2013 and can still grow and mature with each content and recommendation. It's nearly exhausting to ignore 3D printing currently and it is also terribly apparent, that several individuals ar setting out to remember this technology is turning into helpful for tiny businesses, and at a excusable value level.

My go-to news sites for 3D printing news ar the 3DPrintingIndustry UN agency I additionally try and write attention-grabbing articles for as time permits, last I announce one on filament employment (tech for trade).

And another is - a whole web site with news and everything you'll imagine to try to to with 3D printing, it's wonderful what and the way quick they develop 3DP news and PR.

Sharing -

We have additionally seen sharing sites grow and evolve. There ar way too several to say currently, however one I even have used and can continue with is that the wonderful Youmagine (by the Ultimaker team).And GitHub, wherever all form of cool things happen, all the time :)Kickstarter and IndieGoGo each had a large range of 3D printing and associated comes up for funding.

3D Printing Future -

As usual time and different work got here the method of all the opposite things I wished to experiment with and do, my list of comes and ideas grows larger each month, however I still managed to style and do lots of things over Christmas, i will get on my feet web log posts and pictures as presently as I will on these and future planned work, if any of you would like to collaborate on any comes or innovation, do get up-to-date.

Temperature effects with PLA printing

I did to a small degree experimenting with temperature and PLA printing last Apr (2013) once building the metropolis - and it's like I entirely forgot to post a web log article regarding it!
I found the images these days, and you'll notice it fascinating, therefore here is what I keep in mind regarding the experiment and method -

Last year after I did not manage to urge hold of any Laywood for testing, i made a decision to ascertain what impact temperature had on PLA once it's written swimmingly at a controlled rate. I at random hand-picked Blue and Brown PLA and additionally used Natural (clear) as a sway as i used to be positive that may show additional obvious external variations with a amendment in temperature.

First take a look at was simply a straightforward amendment from printing at 192 Degrees C (lower section) then ever-changing to 198 Degrees C (upper section)

I thought it would be neat to do a gradient impact, this can be merely a amendment in extrusion temperature by + or - one degree C each ~3 layers over regarding twenty layers.

I tried identical gradual gradient with Brown, that shows up a gradual amendment from matt to shiny because the temperature will increase. (camera cannot very show it well)

This truly did not work as I had unreal. it's higher than the icon shows, the camera isn't able to acquire the gradient okay and you furthermore mght get a wierd optical impact as you progress round the object, quite fascinating.

You primarily get a additional obvious impact with a pointy amendment in extrusion temperature, here higher than the matt bands square measure one hundred ninety Degrees C and also the shiny square measure two hundred.

The speed is additionally necessary for a decent amendment, I found running at 80mm/sec or quicker was regarding optimum for this PLA and a J-head MK5 Extruder nozzle.
A mixture of gradual activity over variety of layers and sharp changes turn out some very nice finishes.

To help choose the bands I did create atiny low script to post method the G-code, however sadly this looks to own gone missing from my files.

If I do {any additional|any longer|from now on|any further|to any extent further} with this method i could turn out a more friendly program to permit shades and stripes to be drawn on the Gcode, unless anyone else needs to supply one thing to try to to that.
Printing in PLA - simply a activity - nothing else. (the model is custom MakeALot Bud jar btw)

Purple colors additionally appear to figure exceptionally well for this impact.

I additionally destroyed one in every of these vases at the time to ascertain if the temperature created any obvious variations to bonding strength. I couldn't notice any distinction whereas rending and splitting the various temperature written areas.

Let Maine recognize if you are attempting something like this, or with alternative materials (it clearly works well with Laywood), i am positive alternative clear PLA's and even PET (Taulman t-glase or Coloutfabb_XT) would additionally show this impact too.

Next time I do that i will additionally attempt one walled 'spiral vase' print with temperature changes, I imagine that ought to look terribly neat.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Painting Cube PLA Prints

Now that I have the new Sense 3D Scanner, the astonishing potential of this large tool has stormed my mind with hundreds of new applications for 3D publishing.

The Sense color capabilities can't be realized with the Cube printer; but, that does NOT mean that we cannot start to believe COLOR with our publishes. And, this most likely means paint and dyestuffs.

So, I've been experimenting with using modeler's decorate to glimpse how it behaves with my PLA publishes. The first test appears to be achievement. I only use the period appears' because I don't yet understand how well the lacquer that I am utilising will contain up over time. For now it examines large and helps to mask the natural levels of 3D publishes.

For this object, I used multiple outer garments of Testor's No. 28141, Sterling Silver Metallic 3D pursued by several clear outer garments. The results, in person, are much more outstanding than apprehended by this photograph. 

Future Goals

The Sense/Sculpt blend dramatically opened up new possibilities for using the Cube 3D copier in the class of Crafting. While scans of faces and heads is a natural, there are numerous, many ways to present those scans beyond the easy bust above. Making cameo method ornaments is another. Here, for example is my first try to create a cameo method portrait.

Sense scrutinized Cameo Portrait Style 3D publish
While a simple lone color works, it should be a allotment more impressive with some hue that accentuates the cameo motif. choices might be experimenting with diverse antiquing and patina methods. But, the prime goal will be to minimize layering artifacting. So, paying close vigilance to experimenting with modeler's loading and priming materials. 

I'm furthermore very involved in learning to use an airgun for shadowing and stenciling. So, if we have any experts in this area I actually desire to hear from you!

New and Previous Cube proprietors


We're happy to have you connect us and gaze ahead to hearing from you. That furthermore proceeds for those times when things don't appear to be going so well. employed through issues is how we discover the most about our devices and our home wares.

Cube proprietors

This blog lives to assist all Cube owners... from those that bought the 1st Gen Cube to the newest of the new.

The good report for all 2nd Gen Cube proprietors is that the copier and programs extend to be advanced by firmware and programs revisions. Each of my 2nd Gen Cubes is a much better copier today than it was when it was first consigned thanks to 3D System's commitment to constantly advance the Cube.

anticipate continued supplements and improvements in the coming year.

Users have furthermore assisted to identify those things we can do to make our printing experience more reliable and precise. For example, in the approaching weeks I will upload a new Cube publish Table Leveling Tool that spectacularly assists check that your Cube's publish bed is perfectly grade and makes the job of conveying it back into grade a entire lot simpler.

Sense proprietors

My excitement about the Sense 3D Scanner continues unabated. Let me know if you discovered a Sense under the tree this year. The combination of the Sense Scanner and Cubify Sculpt is exceedingly powerful. For me, the Sense is primarily going to be about saving recollections in a entire new way by conceiving various kinds of 3D portraits and sculptures.

As I compose this, two Cubes are printing borders for some cameo-style portraits that were conceived with the Sense and Sculpt. They will be part of a unique gift to associates and family.

As shortly as I have methodically tested it, I will be uploading a border that mates a Sense 3D Scanner to a MIMO 7" USB touchscreen supervise. It makes the task of scanning a LOT simpler. I'll mail a video that illustrates it.  

The Coming Year

I've worked for the fairness Department, the military and NIH. RICO cases, mystery aircraft and wellbeing schemes demand high security. But, to be dependable, I have not found any association that is able to keep a mystery about new goods as well as 3D schemes. I had NO concept the Cube, 2nd Gen Cube or Sense was coming before the public announcement. So, I have no concept what is in shop for us this approaching year.

All I know is to anticipate something good. And, that CES, in January, is a good time to pay attention.