[This is a duplication of the update I just posted to the forum (forums.reprap.org) but I wanted to log my current status here on my blog also.]
Update: I removed the extruder drive shaft and re-hobbed it cleaner and deeper (M3x0.5 tap). I tightened the springs on the idler bearing also once re-assembled, and tigntened some other cold-end motor mounting bolts that had come slightly loose. The whole assembly grabbed and fed the filament much better. Deffinetly no slippage now.
I adjusted some Skeinforge setttings also before re-commencing so test printing.
Speed � Feed and Flow Rates 15mm/s, With over Thickness (both) 1.5, Layer Thickness .35mm.
Looking at thinks now, I think my layer thickness should be reduced, given my nozzle hole is .4mm.
Extruder retraction changed from 1mm to 2mm and retraction speed from 20 to 30mm/sec. Cleaned up blobs a lot!
I re-checked my firmware flow setting (E0_STEPS_PER_MM) and increased it slightly � now set to 540.
I�ve lowered the temperature from 200Dec C to 195Deg C. That�s its Target Temperature set in RepSnapper and it hovers at an actual of about 185. (I don�t have a digital thermometer so I�m going on look/feel of extruded plastic. When I lowered the target even more the stepper had trouble pushing the filament, and started skipping steps. I could increase power slightly to the stepper, but I think that would risk increasing hot-end pressure � it�s a balancing act.
I�ve removed the blue tape from my Perspex platform and the PLA took to the Perspex very nicely. It separated easily when cold and gave a good finish to the base of every print, visible in photos.
Some new test prints: (Ignore the little number tabs in the pictures. They are for my own notes only.)
Circuit board spacer (my square test piece) http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3183
LM8UU Linear bearing holder http://www.thingiverse.com/image:65625
General view of LM8UU holder
Endstop bracket http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:124
The infill on what should be a solid top surfaces needs improvement. It may be my layer height for my given nozzle diam (.35mm for a .4mm nozzle). I�m not sure. I�m going to change parameters slowly and continue my observations. A general remark is that these photos are very close-up and stepping back the items I�m printing are robust and very useable.
Oh� there�s a great bunch of test objects here and some interesting discussion with it also, which I must return to: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5573
Late update: In removing the extruder earlier today to make some change, I snapped off the wire from the heat resistor. I don�t have a spare resistor so that puts me �dead in the water�! :-(
I�ll have to order one from somewhere tomorrow.
Thanks to all for observations and feedback on the forum. Hope all the photos and detail isn�t too monotonous folks. It�s been invaluable to me.